Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Wildly Inappropriately Dressed Young Girl (or WIDYG for short)


Seriously, I am all about a nice short dress and working what you've got, but HELLO you are at a communion for Christ's sake! How did your mother let you out of the house dressed like this? You are at CHURCH. It is NOON. You are NOT at a club or at a bar or some sort of evening affair.

I blame your mother. My mother would have NEVER let me go to church with my ass hanging out. She would have beat me with a wooden spoon until I changed into something that didn't show my pubes. I'm getting so sick of people and their inability to dress themselves properly. 

You have inspired me to write a book on what you should wear and when you should wear it. I am getting sick of people showing up at black tie events in flip flops and going to luncheons dressed like street walkers. While the fashion faux pas are super entertaining, this whole thing IS getting VERY annoying.

Call me before you leave the house please. In fact, text me a photograph for approval. Thanks.


P.S.  You are not alone! There are morons everywhere who are inappropriately dressed! Maybe we can start a support group?

This crazy bitch wore this to a christening. She looks great! If she were going to a bar or something. But this is CHURCH. I'm no prude but REALLY? Your twat should not hang out of your skirt while you are in God's house.

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