Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Douche:

Dear Douche:

Dear Douche in the RED Tacoma:

Thank you for cutting me off at the school this morning while I was dropping off my daughter. You are a dick cause it made me have a flashback to an incident that happened a few years ago circa 2009, and now I am doubly pissed off:

I get the kids in the car on the way to school (we all know how fun that is). I pull into the parking lot. Some douche in a white tacoma is next to me parked in a retarded & crooked manner in his gigantic extension of his penis that is his truck (sorry if this guy is one of your husbands, ladies, but he's a douche). I had to call my friend and tell her not to pick my daughter up from school today because my sis was going to pick her up and I find it is best to do things as soon as you think of them just to get them out of the way. While I am on the phone I open the door to get my daughter out of the car. Since Tacoma Douche was parked like a fucking asshole, I LOOKED to see if my door would hit his car because I AM NOT AN ASSHOLE and I always do that. Who doesn't? IT WASN'T TOUCHING. Although it was very close, and I guess it is possible it could have tapped it BUT EVEN IF IT DID THERE WASN'T A MARK OR ANYTHING. AND anyway, I would SWEAR that it wasn't touching.

Well here comes Mr. Asshat Tacoma and he says AND I QUOTE "Not for nothing HONEY get off the phone and watch my car". Well you can imagine my rage.... Obviously I flew off the handle.

I screamed "Get the fuck out of here are you fucking kidding me". Granted I was holding my 5 year old's hand AND we were in the parking lot of a pre-school filled with little kids, but I couldn't help it. And anyway those of you who know me know that this is how I talk and my kids are used to it. AND ha ha, they don't ever curse and usually YELL AT ME for doing it. But I digress. He OF COURSE then said "nice language" and I felt the need to tell him "YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE". And then every single word he said to me, I told him he was an asshole so he shut up right away and left me alone.

HONESTLY, I have enough trouble with the two men in my FAMILY let alone some Twat in a Big White Tacoma that is compensating for his 2 inch DICK. Do I need to freakin deal with this shit? NO! Just let me drop my kid off & make my childcare arrangements in peace and go wax your fucking truck that you probably love more than your wife and kids. LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, you have also led me to believe that most people who drive Tacoma's are retarded douches. I am going to take a poll, and get back to you on it.

Fuck you,

P.S. Maybe retarded douches also drive Subarus because right after dickwad in the RED Tacoma cut me off, a stupid twat in a Subaru did the same thing. I don't know if she was following your lead or if she was just an asshat as well. We'll let the poll decide. Please see the poll AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BLOG & VOTE to assist me in my research. THANKS

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