Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Boy Geniuses

If Middle Spawn isn't a doctor I will eat my hat.  He loves getting throat cultures, vaccines, blood drawn, peeing in a cup, getting weighed, the eye test, the ear test, etc. He HAS to come to the doctor's office even if the appointment is not for him. He is the ONLY kid who tries to bust into the exam room before the nurse calls his name. (UNLIKE his big sister, who one time had me chase her down the street, and drag her into an exam room by her feet with the entire office laughing at me).

Baby Spawn is the next Bill Gates. He is on my computer CONSTANTLY. He breaks into my room and gets on it every 5 minutes. There is no stopping him. He changes my settings, sends out e-mails, and moves things into the recycle bin. 

BB, on the other hand, is so lazy, it's ridculous. I'd say she would be a gold digger and marry a rich man, except I actually think that would take too much energy and effort for her.  Hopefully her rich and successful brothers will take care of her.

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