Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Argument For Sterilization

Have you heard about this winner?

She's the twit who was having a "bad day" because she "couldn't find anything to wear".  Apparently, her baby was being annoying, so she smacked her around and then blew pot in the baby's face.  The baby is 10 months old.

Yes I know kids are annoying as fuck. They really are. And I'm not gonna lie, I've thought of drugging the little jerks when they are at their worst. But that's just a fantasy! I would never actually do it.  This bitch is crazy! I mean, look at her!!!!

After you do something like this, they really should remove your uterus. I'm just saying. I mean we have Casey Anthony walking around saying she would like to have another child.  Should she be allowed to?? HELL NO! She should meet up with this bitch and go live in Hedonism or some Adults only place.

Stupid Ass.


  1. Doesn't look like she should have even attempted to have children much less make one...moron! I hate stories like this...

  2. clearly she was too young and stupid to understand the importance of birth control, and then too stupid and selfish not to give the kid up for adoption or even go to the abortion clinic which would have been better than abusing the child for its whole life because she can't give up her good time.
