Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Stuck Up Assholes:

Dear Stuck Up Assholes:

I just wanted to thank you.  I know you think you are doing some sort of good by telling my mommy on me because I curse too much, but really, you are just an annoying moron that I get to make fun of on a daily basis.

I don't know if it is just one person or a group of bible thumping goody goodies, but I find it hilarious that you would flag these blog posts as abusive. Perhaps YOU are one of the jackasses???? In any event, I've found a way around your stupid plan, so fuck off.

Since you SO love to try to manipulate what I do,  here's an idea FROM ME TO YOU:  please remove yourself from my friends list.  Since I am such a foul mouthed heathen, clearly you shouldn't associate with me anymore.  I wouldn't want to offend YOUR delicate eyes or ears, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT EVERYONE ELSE DOESN'T WANT TO BE OFFENDED! Plenty of people are enjoying reading this.

GOD, you have GOT to be a Republican.

Go Fuck Yourself,
