Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dear NYS:

Dear NYS:

I find it hard to believe that I can't afford to send my children to PUBLIC SCHOOL. 

Every Goddamned day there is a freaking notice in my kid's backpack asking me for MONEY. That I don't have. Because you fired everyone, and now I am jobless, and since I am self employed, I can't even get unemployment.

But I digress. 

The point is, my kid is in PUBLIC SCHOOL. I shouldn't have to provide scissors and crayons and pencils. Or tissues and baby wipes and glue sticks. OR TENNIS BALLS FOR THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAIRS. These should already be in a classroom. Next thing you know, I will be having to send my 6 year old to school with his own swivel chair, laptop computer and a Kindle. 

And another thing! WHY DO I have to pick up the slack for all of those people who just DON'T SEND IN THE STUFF?  I can't even afford food, but yet I manage to send my kid in with lunch and snack every single day. Is it fair that the teacher has to bring bags of pretzels to school every day to feed the children whose parents refuse to send them to school with food???? I can't afford all this crap but why do I need to send in more class supplies because half these people can't be bothered sending their kids to school with crayons? IS THIS FAIR? If I am supposed to send my kid to school with his or her name written on each individual magic marker/crayon/pencil/glue stick, then how come it all ends up in a community bin for everyone to use? I'd really rather use my time for something more valuable than figuring out how to fit my kid's name on something as small as a Crayola crayon.

I just find it very difficult to believe that somewhere in the MILLIONS of DOLLARS that each school district spends each year, there isn't ANY money allocated for pencils*.

Maybe we can help each other out:  PAY ME to figure out a solution to this problem. Then we both win. You stop being completely fucking incompetent and useless, and I get to earn a living and pay my ever mounting bills.


*Or pencil sharpeners. My kid comes home the other day and says "I need more pencils. Mine aren't sharp any more".

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