Sunday, June 26, 2011

Diary of a Bratty Bitch 1

Dear Diary:

I hate my mother.

She is cleaning the house and won't help me put my Pokemon cards back in their binder. She had to get me a stupid binder that doesn't close all the way and the cards fall out all the time. My poor precious cards!

That mean mommy keeps cleaning the house and tried to tell me that she would get done faster if I helped her. BUT I DON'T CLEAN.  I shouldn't have to clean. Why do they expect me to do everything? It's not fair.

Also she is mean because she wouldn't make me a hot dog for dinner. She is so mean. She cooked veal cutlets but I don't want that! She should cook me what I want like if I was in a restaurant. Doesn't she know she is there to serve me and cater to my every desire???? She's supposed to do everything for me!

She's so mean. I really hate my mommy.  She only buys me stuff sometimes. Doesn't she know I should get whatever I want? I mean, really! I want more Pokemon cards and also more webkinz. I need more for my collection. I don't know why she tells me to get a job all the time. Doesn't she know it is illegal for kids my age to work?  What is she stupid or something?

God I can't stand her!

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