Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Note to Self 14

Note to Self 14:

Yeah, let me just say, when the school sends home a letter letting you know that there will be an early dismissal, YOU NEED TO WRITE THAT DOWN ASAP.

Because TODAY was early dismissal, and guess what, YOU weren't there to get your kid off the bus and your lovely neighbor had to bring her (and her friend - oh yes, YOU left another kid on the street corner in addition to your own) to your door.

Once again, YOU are a moron.


  1. Hahahaha

    I never did that, but a few times I took son to school only to find it was closed for a teacher training day.

  2. I just get so freaking busy!! I can't remember shit!!!!

  3. Lol - I wondered why the school sends these strange papers home!

  4. Dear Jess. Yes in this case I'd have to agree with your "moron" assessment. Poor thing!! See, you're never to old for lifes little lessons. I'm sure you'll do better next time. -D-

  5. Don't count on it. I'm sure I'll be retarded for years to come.
