Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear BB:

Dear BB:

It was very mean of me to tell you to suck it up and go to bed when you fell while playing football with your cousins, especially because you woke up with swollen ass foot that I thought was broken.

BUT IT'S NOT BROKEN (thank God).  But even though it's not broken, YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO WHAT THE DOCTOR TELLS YOU.

This means, no gym, no recess, no sports, no nothing for the rest of the week. OTHERWISE YOUR FOOT WILL ACTUALLY END UP BROKEN.

While it is cute that you think you can just play goalie for the soccer team (as if the goalie doesn't use her feet or something) YOU CANNOT. You also cannot run into the library at a full sprint.  You need to put that foot up with a fucking bag of ice on it.  No more chasing your brother around the house and then crying that the foot hurts. YEAH IT HURTS. CAUSE YOU ARE NOT RESTING IT.

I know it's hard, but deal with it. I know a bill for an ungodly amount of money is coming my way for those damn x-rays. So you'd better heal that shit. Cause we are not going to the radiologist's office again. And if we do, I can promise you that I will make sure something is broken on you.

Love you,


  1. I wrote a blog today about how difficult my little accidental offspring can be. I think you'll like it!
