Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Note to Self 20

Note to Self 20:
Why bother buying cleaning supplies at the Evil Empire when it is absolutely impossible to get any cleaning of any kind done in this house? Baby Spawn has decided that he will scream bloody murder the second you leave his line of sight, and while it is possible to just ignore him, it aggravates the other children, who then also start whining, moaning and annoying you.  So instead of doing anything useful, you have spent the day teaching Baby Spawn how to get down the stairs without doing a headfirst tumble and trying to get him to walk.  This is stupid, and you will be sorry, but it beats sitting with him in your lap as you can’t even watch TV since the President has come to town and all that is on is views of where he will be, and where he was, but you have yet to actually see him.

On a side note, please see a psychiatrist about whether it is normal to have a panic attack every time you use your credit card. Since you have no income, it seems that it is normal to want to vomit every time you whip out the plastic, but just confirm this with a professional to rule out possible mental illness.


  1. Why can't our babies walk right after popping out, like most other animals out there?!......

  2. Yeah!! Why can't we let them out on their own at 6 months old instead of having them with us for 18 years? hahaha
