Saturday, May 7, 2011

To the Laziest Child in the World:

To the Laziest Child in the World:

FYI I am not here to cater to your every whim and desire.  Therefore, laying in your bed watching TV and screaming "Mommy MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY" over and over and over again until I come into the room and then asking "is there any pudding*" is NOT acceptable. NEWSFLASH! You CAN get up out of bed and look for pudding yourself.

Likewise, you can keep track of your own things.  There are too many people in this house for me to keep track of EVERYONE'S stuff.  So, then, when you want your Pokeman Sticker Index, you will know EXACTLY where it is, instead of rolling on the floor and huffing dramatically "I can't find it, CAN'T FIND IT, CAN'T FIND IT, I NEEEEEED IT. I WAAAAAAAANT IT NOW".

AND just to let you know, when we (your parents) are gone, all you will have are your brothers. So how about we stop slapping, hitting, spitting on, pinching, tattling on, etc.? And when I ask you to help one of them, YOU JUST DO IT. Just to be a nice big sister. YOU FORGET, they are boys, and will be bigger than you someday (soon!!!), and then, they will kick the crap out of you for being a first class bitch. If you start being nice now, and helping the big one buckle his seatbelt in the car or find his shoes and help the little one with his bottle and just play with him a little, they may remember your kindness and take pity on you.

Listen to your Mommy, Sweets, I'M ALWAYS RIGHT. And the sooner you learn that lesson, the happier you will be.

Love you!

*To my darling UK followers, who I love so much, I'm not sure if you know but PUDDING in the U.S refers to an actual particular dessert e.g.,

I do so love playing amateur etymologist and am a foriegn language geek. While English isn't a foreign language I love how there are the little differences.  Meanwhile,visit  It has all kinds of English/American/Whatever dialect differences, etc. Pretty interesting.

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