Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dear Scammy McScammer:

Dear Scammy McScammer*:

I don't really want to piss you off while my appeal is pending, but the fact is that I feel like you have quite the little scam going.

Honestly, people I know ARE going to click on the ads simply because out of the hundreds of people I know who are following this blog, some of them are bound to be interested in some of the ads. Since the ads pretty much are based on the content of the blog, doesn't it follow that the people interested in the blog would be interested in the ads?

So you say there was "unauthorized click activity" and I am told it is because people I know are clicking on the ads.  Should I have told everyone to NOT click on the ads? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of putting the ads there? As far as anyone knows, they are just there on the page, waiting to be clicked on.


P.S.  - You really should give a better explanation than "unauthorized click activity".


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