Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Dear Evil Empire*

Have I told you lately that I hate you?

Your produce SUCKS. It's practically rotted before you even get it home.  Your juice is cheap but YOU NEVER HAVE ANY. I couldn't get Baby Spawn prune juice which he desperately needed as the stupid milk has constipated him. I ended up giving him a bowl of black beans at Chipotle. He was not happy. The gas pains hit him all at once and the poor baby looked like he was possessed.  He was practically levitating.

Moreover, why in God's name can't I get Infant's/Children's Motrin or Tylenol anymore? What the hell is going on there? Has the infamous Tylenol Killer** made a comeback?

Your Pharmacy also SUCKS my ASS. Every single time I have gone in there***, no one knew how to work the computer to put in my insurance information and I ended up paying $75 for a fucking tube of steroid cream or whatever.

I hate you hate you hate you.



**Actually didn't they say the Unabomber was the Tylenol Killer? I think I just heard that somewhere....  Huh, how 'bout that, they think he was the Zodiac Killer too. Well that's a relief.....

***I'm not an idiot, it was 3 strikes and they were out - I fill my prescriptions in a place where the pharmacists have brains.


  1. no more children's tylenol jess, acetominaphen is what they have but. Children's MOTRIN rocks I use that all the time,and if you can't find prune juice, give him some prunes, he has teeth right ?

  2. There's no Motrin either that I can find anywhere! I just use Ibuprofin or advil. What the hell? I'd love to know where the hell it has all gone!??!??! Why can you get generic but no tylenol or motrin. It just seems shady and wierd. Just FYI even if they don't have the infants version of these things you can use the children's version and just ask your doctor for the proper dosage. But it looks like they are going to stop making it altogether!:
