Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Note to Self 26:

Note To Self 26:

It's official! All of those head injuries as a child have rendered you brain damaged.

Nice job leaving BB's backpack at Church while you were there for a meeting about her religion classes. Even better that you NEVER FIGURED IT OUT YOU LEFT IT until it was time for school the next morning.

So the day began with you running to Church and crawling all over the floor looking for the backpack, trying to break into the school which was locked up tight to see if anyone brought it there, and texting everyone you saw last night in order to see if they saw it, took it, etc. ALL BEFORE YOU EVEN BRUSHED YOUR TEETH!

Luckily someone at the school grabbed it and left it at the front desk & when they finally opened their doors, you had time to grab it and run back home to feed the monsters breakfast, pack lunches, get BB dressed and drive her to school.

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