Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OK, Bitch, We're All Struggling

Since I am dead ass broke, and since I don't need an excuse to stuff myself full of all the carnival food I can eat for free, I helped out my friend working at a street fair selling zeppoles. IT WAS SO FUN.

Besides the guy with 1,000 piercings in his face (sorry I didn't bring my camera or you know there would be a picture here), and the dumb bitch who complained that she wanted "big" zeppoles and could I refill the bag with "big" ones because last night she got little "scrawny" ones and they were "horrible" (but yet the dumb whore was back for more, but whatever), there was the woman who couldn't bear to pay for them and had to beg at the window to get them for free.

Beggar woman (BW):  Come on, isn't there a discount at the end of the night?

Me:  No.

BW: Oh come on, you'd rather just throw them all away than give them to me for free?

Me:  Well there won't be any left, and if there is, I'm taking them home to my kids.

BW:  Oh come on, this is ridiculous. You know you just throw them away.

Me:  I'm telling you, there won't be any left.

BW:  You know, I'm only asking because I am really struggling.

Me:  Lady, don't talk to me about struggling. I'm a fucking attorney and I'm working in a zeppole cart.

BW:  Ohhhhhh.  (Look of horror crosses her face).

Me:  Times are rough lady, it's a depression. It'll get better. Until then, everyone's just gotta do what they gotta do.

BW: Ohhhh, I want to tell you my story....

Yada Yada Yada, blah fucking blah. I had to sit there and listen to this bitch cry and complain about her house burning down, her other house getting flooded, her lack of money, how she had to move, MEANWHILE she's dicking around dropping at least $100 for her and her 2 kids to go to a street fair (you know those POP bracelets are a fucking rip off), and trying to get $4 zeppoles for free.



  1. I fucking love your blog! For one, you aren't candid and for two, you are so right in what you are saying here.

    I'm sick of people telling the world how broke they are and they expect everyone else to give them a break, but they don't give a crap about the next person who may be in the same boat.


  2. Seriously, no one is more broke than I am.
