Friday, April 1, 2011

Dear Oldest Spawn, aka Bratty Bitch

Dear Bratty Bitch:

You know what is so amazing? It's the fact that you act so sweet and angelic and everyone thinks you are just perfect.

I know the truth. The reality is that you are a total brat!!!!

Thanks for screaming your face off and telling me how much you hate me while I was trying to get you to the busstop.  I know you would rather play with your stupid Pokeman sticker index, but really, I will go to jail if I just let you stay home from school cause you feel like it.

It's really becoming an obsession these stupid ass Pokeman. I mean honestly, aren't they over? I remember them from when I was a kid (don't I? Or am I hallucinating or suffering from early on-set alzheimers?).  Hasn't something better come up by now? This is getting ridiculous.  I really love how when I have 30 seconds to get out the door and am jamming a cleat onto your foot while your brothers are already waiting in the car, YOU take out another fucking Pokeman sticker and say "a little help please"? Man, I want to throw that fucking book in the garbage, and you right after it.

Excedrin Migraine should make you their spokesperson because I have singlehandedly been responsible for all of their profits thanks to YOU and your big mouth.

My brain hurts.

But I still love you.


PS - If you are worse than this when you are a teenager, I am going to send you to boarding school in Morocco.

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