Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Helpless:

Dear Helpless:

Oh yes it makes so much sense how you cannot take off any days of work that I ACTUALLY NEED YOU TO.  YET you have (supposedly) all these days that you have to take off or you will lose them. Coveniently you end up taking off days that have no benefit to me or anyone in this family. Instead you enjoy your day off ALL ALONE while I end up running around like a psycho.

OK FINE, yes, today you did make a doctor's appointment, but you were unable to drop off your prescription at the pharmacy. WHY? WHY must I take the children to the park and on the way there drop off your prescription (for anti anxiety medication. OH TELL ME ABOUT IT, I KNOW. HE'S STRESSED OUT. It's very stressful to spend 15 minutes a day with children)? Do you know how annoying it is to freaking drag a baby in and out of a car. Let alone Middle Spawn and his theatrics.

Honestly it's ridiculous. Hand in the prescription yourself, OR I will replace your Lexapro with speed.



  1. I think you should do it anyway - then film the result.

  2. YES! That might be super fun!

  3. Jess, I haven't checked in for the past couple weeks and I come to discover there's alot to catch up on. I had a delightful time reading through everything. Your life is so fun! Have a good day. -D-

  4. I'm glad!!! Although it doesn't seem fun at the time, looking back, it is a fun life!!! haha
