Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dear Jovians

Dear Jovians*:

Here is what I don't get: how can we be in the year 2011, and yet it is still blatantly obvious that this society puts the needs and desires of males way ahead of females?

For instance, why do you cancel girls lacrosse/soccer/t-ball/whatever practice on a beautiful day? ANSWER: Because the boys needed the field, and they are more important than girls.  What a nice lesson to teach our daughters.  I can't wait for my 7 year old to grow up and become a self hating man worshipper.

Here's the thing:  if the girls have the field on a certain day at a certain time, they should play at that time and place. Just because something goes wrong, and the boys can't play at their appointed place doesn't mean that you kick the girls out. We all paid for our daughters to be on the team too, so please at least pretend that you are not sexist pigs.

My girl likes playing sports. AND SHE'S GOOD AT IT. I know you'd rather have her cheering on the sidelines or doing a ballet dance in a frilly tutu, but she would rather run! Kindly get your head out of your ass and return to the 21st century.


*Jovian = someone from Jupiter (as in boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider get it???).  See for a lively discussion on the topic of what people from Jupiter are called.  You really CAN find ANYTHING on the internet.

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