Saturday, August 20, 2011

Guest Blogger Post 2

Dear Dumbass Pocketbook Thief:

Dear Dumbass who stole MB's pocketbook last night at BR's reunion party and who is sitting in jail right now! Next time you steal someone's shit, it might be in your best interest to actually LEAVE the bar with it instead of still hanging out there because your ass got so busted on surveillance! It was also really dumb of you to try to stuff something that big in the back of the toilet, so thank you very much for ruining EVERTYTHING with water! The best part of the night though was when we actually got to go through your pocketbook (after you were arrested) and get all of M's stuff back! The best thing we found was actually yours, your cell phone in mid text message, To MOM, "I think I'm getting arr....." Yes, we know you didn't get to finish the message to mom because you did in fact get arrested on a felony charge! Good luck with that!
NK, JH & of course, MB

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